Green tea Whole leaf Premium


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Green tea, however, is considered to have originated in China. It is said that even today the word “tea” in China refers only to green tea, not to the general category of tea as it does in the West. China’s Yunnan province is considered to be the original home of the Camellia sinensis plant species. In fact, 260 of the world’s 380+ varieties of tea can be found in Yunnan. One popular legend suggests that Shennong, Emporor of China and supposed inventor of Chinese medicine, discovered tea as a beverage around 2737 BC when fresh tea leaves from a nearby tea tree fell into his cup of just boiled water. Others credit various Buddhists in the 500s BC and subsequent centuries for the discovery of tea. Buddhists would travel between India and China spreading their religion, culture and ritual of tea. Buddhist monks grew, harvested and produced tea much like their Catholic counterparts in European monasteries did with grapes and wine. The monks’ habit of tea drinking for physical refreshment, to aid meditation and as a substitute for alcohol developed into a spiritual and social practice that spread across China. OUR ROLE: Teas taste best when they’re fresh. Much like vegetable and fruit, teas do go stale over time. The traditional tea route is a long one, beginning in the garden and involving multiple middlemen. It takes between 6-8 months for teas, once produced, to reach the consumer. We did away with the long supply chain, reducing it from five stages to two. We’ve become the single link between producer and a global consumer base. The happy consequence is a better price for a much better tea. Not to distributors. Not to resellers. But to tea drinkers. Buy Aromatic & fresh Single-Estate Green Teas, Handpicked from the finest Tea Gardens. We bring you the Best Green Tea collection from the Award-Winning Tea Gardens. HOW TO MAKE A


That depends on the tea, but higher grade greens tend to be far less bitter and much more sweet and aromatic. Their flavors are more balanced, making for a smoother, rounder sip.



Teas taste best when they are fresh. Much like vegetable and fruit, teas do go stale over time. The traditional tea route is a long one, beginning in the garden and involving multiple middlemen. It takes between 6-8 months for teas, once produced, to reach the consumer. We did away with the long supply chain, reducing it from five stages to two. We want to become the single link between producer and a global consumer base. The happy consequence is a better price for a much better tea. Not to distributors. Not to resellers. But to tea drinkers. Buy Aromatic fresh Single-Estate Darjeeling Teas, Handpicked from the finest Tea Gardens. We bring you the Best Darjeeling Tea from the Award-Winning Tea Gardens.



Step 1 – Use O2 rich water, low on minerals; running stream water or RO filtered.

Step 2 – Get the water temperature right. (85 Degrees To 90 Degrees)

Step 3 – Use 1.5 tsp or 2.5 Grams of tea leaves for a cup of about 180 ml water

Step 4 – Let leaves infuse for about 3 to 5 minutes depending on the taste. Make sure the infusion time does not exceed or is less than recommended.

Step 5 – Once infused, serve it hot. We recommend to drink it plain without sugar for optimum experience and health benefit.



1. Contains healthy bioactive compounds

2. May improve brain function

3. Increases fat burning

4. Antioxidants may lower the risk of some cancers

5. May protect the brain from aging

6. May reduce bad breath

7. May help prevent type 2 diabetes

8. May help prevent cardiovascular disease

9. May help you live longer




Weight 100 kg

150gms, 250gms, 500gms